Congratulations to our Round 1, 2023 Early-Mid Career Seed Grant Recipients!

24 May 2023

Congratulations to our Early-Mid Career Researcher Seed Grant recipients Dr Christina Heris, Samantha Howe, Dr Kristen McCarter and Dr Kylie Morphett!

The Tobacco Endgame CRE Seed Grants are competitive small project grants to assist Early-Mid Career Researchers (EMCRs) to develop their research leadership experience. These grants are intended to fund pilot or small research projects of relevance to the CRE’s goal, which is to develop the evidence base for tobacco endgame strategies and identify the most promising policies that could end the cigarette epidemic in Australia, and beyond.

The pilot studies should fit within one of the four CRE Research Programs and contribute to addressing the Program objectives:

  • Estimating the impacts of proposed endgame strategies
  • The legal regulation of tobacco endgame strategies
  • Public and other stakeholder views and support for endgame strategies
  • Mitigating unintended consequences

The Seed Grant applications were scored on Research quality (35%), Innovation and creativity (25%), Significance and relevance to the CRE’s goals (20%) and Capability (20%). Funded projects must be completed within 12 months, and a key expectation is that the pilot will lead to a larger external grant or fellowship application.

There are two rounds of Seed Grants in 2023 (Round 2 closes 15 September). A total of $60,000 is available for each round.

Seed Grant Recipients




