Sarah Perkes
Researcher biography
Sarah Perkes is an Occupational Therapist, has a Masters in Public Health (MPH), and is currently completing a PhD at The University of Newcastle. Prior to starting her PhD Sarah had gained six years’ experience working as a community Occupational Therapist. Sarah commenced her PhD in June 2017 focussed on developing and pre-testing a mobile health intervention with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. In May 2019 Sarah was lead Investigator for a NSW Health, Agency for Clinical Innovation Grant ($29,959.43). In June 2019 Sarah was awarded the prestigious NSW Clinical Excellence Commission’s Ian O’Rourke Scholarship in Patient Safety ($9,594), which funded a two week research visit to the National Institute for Health Innovation in Auckland, New Zealand. In November 2019 she was a recipient of the Greaves Family Postgraduate Scholarship ($12,500). Sarah continues to work as an Occupational Therapist, and in research and teaching while completing her PhD.