Researcher biography

Michael has close to 30 years’ experience in public health and psychological research. As a trained epidemiologist and data analyst, he has supported academic research with overseeing, managing and maintaining rigorous data quality of various datasets. In this supportive role, he also analyses data or advises investigators on appropriate ways to analyse the complex data arising from the various trials and surveys conducted. Michael has many research interests related to his work at the Australian Centre for Heart Health which primarily focuses on psychosocial aspects of recovery from heart disease. Some areas of interest related to this work have included sleep disordered breathing, physical activity, cognitive functioning, quality of life, illness perceptions, trajectories of anxiety and depression, health literacy, heart failure and comorbidities, and Indigenous social and emotional wellbeing. He has authored over 60 refereed papers and is the lead author on the position statement from the Australian Centre for Heart Health and the Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association concerning screening for obstructive sleep apnoea in cardiac rehabilitation. Since joining Cancer Council Victoria in 2018 and the Centre for Behaviour Change, Department of Psychology at The University of Melbourne in 2019, Michael has worked on the International Tobacco Control 4 Country Study with research interests including determinants of smoking cessation, e-cigarette nicotine levels, and measures of tobacco dependence.

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