Dr Heewon Kang presents 'Tobacco retailer density in South Korea and its association with cigarette, e-cigarette, and heated tobacco product use prevalence'
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Reducing the availability of tobacco retailers is considered a key tobacco endgame policy. Given that tobacco retailer availability is a geographical construct, the development and evaluation of retail-based policies require spatial methodologies. This presentation will outline the distribution of tobacco retailers in South Korea and suggest spatial heterogeneity in the association between tobacco retailer density and the prevalence of cigarette smoking, e-cigarette use, and heated tobacco product use. Recommendations for effectively preparing and adopting retail endgame policies will also be presented.
Dr Heewon Kang is a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute of Health and Environment, Seoul National University. She is currently a Visiting Academic Fellow/Scholar at the School of Public Health, The University of Queensland. Dr Kang’s research focuses on developing surveillance systems for tobacco control and endgame strategies and evaluating the potential impacts of new policies and products on ending the tobacco epidemic.
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